Our training programme addresses the wide range of challenges facing our clients delivering flexible high quality and comprehensive training, which is easily accessible at a moderate cost.
Aliquam erat volutpat. In sed arcu non magna venenatis porta sed sodales metus. Sed in imperdiet.
There is a general assumption that a Corporate Trustee acts as sole trustee of a scheme. This is not by any means a necessity and in fact we favor acting as just one…
Kingsland Court focuses its services on supporting its clients in the discharge of the full range of their responsibilities. Our clients include scheme sponsors and Trustees and our range of services therefore encompasses the needs of both these group…
While Kingsland Court has its origins in Kenya, we are keen to expand into neighboring countries. We currently provide services to two clients in Uganda and expect to broaden this base. Request a ConsultationWhatever your insurance coverage needs are, we're…